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31 January 2024 - EU Entry/Exit and the UK border - Oral evidence

Committee European Scrutiny Committee
Inquiry EU Entry/Exit and the UK border

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Start times: 1:45pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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Could tourists face 14-hour queues under EU Entry/Exit System? Committee to hear evidence from Kent authorities

The European Scrutiny Committee hears evidence from local authorities in Kent who have claimed the EU Entry/Exit System (EES) could cause severe disruption at UK ports.

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry EU Entry/Exit and the UK border

Kent County Council and Ashford Borough Council told the Committee in written evidence that a “reasonable worst case” scenario could see 14-hour delays at the Port of Dover if the scheme is implemented as currently planned, in October 2024.

Ashford Borough Council’s Head of Economic Development will give evidence, alongside the leader of Kent County Council and the Chief Executive of Visit Kent, who also provided written evidence to the Committee.

MPs are likely to ask the witnesses about their concerns around the implementation of the EES, its potential to impact on Kent, including its tourism industry, and how disruption is likely to be managed.

They may also ask witnesses for an assessment of the UK central government’s preparation for the EES, and whether it has engaged with local government or businesses in Kent prior to its introduction.


Room 15, Palace of Westminster

How to attend