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30 January 2024 - The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger - Oral evidence

Committee International Development Committee
Inquiry The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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IDC opens inquiry on UK Government progress towards ending hunger worldwide

On Tuesday the IDC will open evidence hearings in its new inquiry into the FCDO and wider UK Government’s work on hunger and nutrition around the world, and work towards achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 in line with its commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 2.

UNICEF recently reported that half a million people face “catastrophic hunger” in Gaza now, and increasing hostilities in Yemen risk once again exacerbating longstanding issues of food insecurity and starvation there. What has been the impact of significant cuts to the UK aid budget?

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger
At 3:10pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger
At 3:50pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK Government’s work on achieving SDG2: Zero Hunger

In this first session the Committee will hear from organisations tackling hunger in their communities. It will hear their experience of hunger and what their communities need to end hunger and malnutrition. It will invite frontline support and relief groups to describe their experience of the FCDO’s work, its impact in helping to end hunger, and what future FCDO policy and strategy on malnutrition should look like.

The Committee has a particular focus on the impact of hunger and malnutrition on the most marginalised and impacted groups; on children, women and girls, and smallholder farmers.

Is the FCDO currently sufficiently focused on these groups, in line with its stated commitment to ‘Leave No One Behind’? What more needs to be done?


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend