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24 January 2024 - Safeguarding vulnerable claimants - Oral evidence

Committee Work and Pensions Committee
Inquiry Safeguarding vulnerable claimants

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Start times: 9:15am (private) 9:25am (public)

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Safeguarding vulnerable claimants inquiry: Work and Pensions Committee to question academics and local level representatives

The Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry examining how DWP supports vulnerable benefit claimants and whether its approach to safeguarding needs to change continues with a session featuring academics and witnesses involved with the safeguarding of adults at a local level.

Meeting details

At 9:25am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Safeguarding vulnerable claimants
At 10:10am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Safeguarding vulnerable claimants

The first part of the hearing with academics will explore the case for implementing a statutory safeguarding duty for DWP. The panel may also be asked about different ways to consider vulnerability and the system of monitoring safeguarding practices.

The second panel, featuring a representative from a local authority and the Joint Convenor of the National Network for Chairs of Safeguarding Adults Boards, are likely to face questions on how DWP communicates with other public and local services involved in safeguarding for vulnerable people and whether more should be done to establish multi-agency working.

They could also be asked about the challenges faced by vulnerable people when applying for benefits and the effectiveness of both current DWP safeguarding measures and the process for reviewing harm.


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

How to attend