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22 January 2024 - The Equipment Plan 2023–2033 - Oral evidence

Committee Public Accounts Committee
Inquiry The Equipment Plan 2023–2033

Monday 22 January 2024

Start times: 3:30pm (private) 4:00pm (public)

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MoD Equipment Plan 2023-2033 scrutinised by PAC

The Public Accounts Committee holds an evidence session on the Equipment Plan 2023-2033 at 4pm on Monday 22 January.

Meeting details

At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The Equipment Plan 2023–2033

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) publishes an annual Equipment Plan, where it sets out its spending plans on equipment procurement and support projects over the next decade to keep the nation secure.

The Committee’s report on the MoD’s 2022-32 Plan found that equipment is arriving into service many years late and significantly over-budget with depressing regularity. It concluded that neither taxpayers nor the Armed Forces were being served well, that the system was broken, and in need of meaningful change.

The National Audit Office’s report into the MoD’s 2023-33 Plan found that it is unaffordable. The MoD estimates that forecast costs exceed its available budget by £16.9bn. The largest cost increases were to be found in nuclear and naval programmes, where combined costs have risen by £54.6bn.

Based on the NAO report, the Committee will take evidence from senior MoD officials on subjects including:

  • The Plan’s underlying data and assumptions;
  • Adaptability to international volatility;
  • How the MoD will manage impacts to the Plan’s affordability, including inflation.


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend