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9 January 2024 - Fairness in the food supply chain - Oral evidence

Committee Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Inquiry Fairness in the food supply chain

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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Retailers, consumers, farmers: Where does the power lie in the food supply chain?

The relationship between food production costs, farmgate prices and retail prices will be investigated by the EFRA committee on Tuesday in the second session of the Committee’s Fairness in the Food Supply Chain inquiry

Labour shortages in the food supply chain, concerns regarding the exploitation of workers under the seasonal worker scheme, and the pay and conditions of food workers will also be examined by MPs as they take evidence from representatives of UK food producers and food industry labour organisations. 

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Fairness in the food supply chain
At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Fairness in the food supply chain

The cross-party committee will explore the balance of power between food producers, manufacturers and retailers, particularly regarding price setting, and will ask how the structural relationship could be improved between these groups to provide greater fairness and transparency.

The adequacy of existing regulation, including enforcement of the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) for supermarkets’ direct suppliers by the Groceries Code Adjudicator will come under scrutiny. One witness giving evidence will be the founder of Riverford Organic Farmers, who launched a petition calling for reform of the GSCOP to better protect farmers, that has garnered over 100,000 signatures.


Room 6, Palace of Westminster

How to attend