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22 September 2020 - Future UK-EU foreign policy and defence cooperation - Oral evidence

Committee EU Security and Justice Sub-Committee
Inquiry Future UK-EU foreign policy and defence cooperation

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Start times: 10:00am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Committee discusses future UK-EU foreign and defence cooperation with experts

The House of Lords EU Security and Justice Sub-Committee will hear from academics and experts on UK-EU post-Brexit foreign and defence policy cooperation


Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Work Future UK-EU foreign policy and defence cooperation (Non-inquiry session)
At 11:00am: Oral evidence
Work Future UK-EU foreign policy and defence cooperation (Non-inquiry session)


The UK’s departure from the EU in January 2020 raises important questions about how the UK could continue to collaborate with the EU in the future in the key areas of foreign and defence policy. As Member State the UK played a leading role in many of the EU’s missions and operations under its Common Security and Defence Policy. It also exerted influence with its EU partners in foreign affairs as a leading member of NATO and as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. In addition, the UK maintains important bilateral defence and security cooperation with EU States, including France and Germany.

Chaired by Lord Ricketts, a former UK National Security Adviser, Permanent Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and UK Representative to NATO, the EU Security and Justice Sub-Committee will explore with two panels of experts how the UK could continue to collaborate with the EU in defence and foreign affairs and the consequences of it not doing so.

Likely questions

Topics likely to be covered across both sessions include:

  • Future foreign and defence cooperation are not part of the current UK-EU future relationship negotiations. But should both sides be talking about this now?
  • The UK appears to have ruled out future cooperation with the EU in foreign policy. What will be the consequences of this?
  • How could the UK participate in future EU Missions and Operations under the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy? What kind of role could it play as a third country outside the EU?
  • How has Brexit affected the EU’s attitude to defence and security?
  • How far do current UK and EU foreign and defence objectives align and how could Brexit affect this?
  • How necessary will it be for both sides to continue together in these areas?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)