Unilever, Arla and Kraft Heinz among those to give evidence on fairness in the food supply chain
The EFRA Committee will next week take evidence from food processors and manufacturers, holding its third evidence session exploring Fairness in the food supply chain.
Meeting details
Tuesday’s session will give MPs the opportunity to examine the impact of inflation on suppliers’ and manufacturers’ costs, and will explore how food production costs, food prices and retail prices interact.
Committee members will investigate how inflation has affected the food supply chain, whether certain links are benefiting from increased prices, and how far companies are employing the practice of ‘shrinkflation’ - where food items are downsized by manufacturers while being sold for the same price.
MPs are likely to question witnesses on whether there is fair dealing between processors and producers, particularly in the pig and dairy sectors, and are likely to ask whether there is sufficient competition between processors to allow producers a variety of options.
The Committee will probe whether the structural relationships between food producers, manufacturers, and retailers could be improved.
The session will also examine manufacturers’ role in promoting affordable and healthy food, questioning whether manufacturers are being proactive in promoting the purchase of healthier products.