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27 November 2023 - Service Accommodation - Oral evidence

Committee Defence Committee
Inquiry Service Accommodation

Monday 27 November 2023

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:30pm (public)

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Is military family accommodation kept fit for purpose? MPs to quiz key companies

On Monday 27 November, at 3.30pm, MPs on the Defence Committee will question key companies responsible for accommodation management and maintenance services of Service Families Accommodation (SFA). The Committee will hear evidence from three major suppliers: Pinnacle Group, Amey and VIVO.

Meeting details

At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Service Accommodation

Service personnel have reported long-term issues with their living conditions including leaky ceilings and mouldy walls, with some being serious enough to pose risks to health and wellbeing. Overall satisfaction rates have been low and falling where it comes to the timeliness and quality of maintenance and repair work of SFA.

MPs are likely to question representatives from the three companies about the delivery of their services – including complaints about poor customer service and the slow pace of maintenance work – and what steps they have taken to improve these problems. The Committee may also ask the witnesses about the companies’ plans for winter, and their progress on solving cases of damp, mould, and poor energy efficiency.

The Committee has today published further written evidence on Service accommodation.

This inquiry was previously a Sub-Committee into Service Accommodation, led by Robert Courts. The Sub-Committee has now been carried over to the main Defence Committee.


Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend