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29 November 2023 - Defined benefit pension schemes - Oral evidence

Committee Work and Pensions Committee
Inquiry Defined benefit pension schemes

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Start times: 9:15am (private) 9:25am (public)

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Defined benefit pension schemes inquiry: Work and Pensions Committee to question The Pensions Regulator

The Work and Pensions Committee will question the Chief Executive and senior officials from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) on issues raised so far in its inquiry into defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.

Meeting details

At 9:25am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Defined benefit pension schemes

The inquiry has been examining whether the right regulatory regime is in place for DB schemes as well as issues around scheme consolidation and the role of TPR.

The witnesses are likely to face questions on TPR’s statutory objectives to protect pension benefits and the Pension Protection Fund, the security of scheme funding improvements and Government plans for schemes to invest in a broader range of assets. TPR could also be asked about the regulation of superfunds and its role in relation to supporting trustees in all pension schemes to fulfil their duties to act in the best interests of scheme members.

Additionally, there could be questions about the lessons learned by the TPR from the LDI episode of last year.


Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend