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25 October 2023 - Heat resilience and sustainable cooling - Oral evidence

Committee Environmental Audit Committee
Inquiry Heat resilience and sustainable cooling

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:15pm (public)

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How do UK heat resilience strategies compare to approaches being rolled out around the world?

The Environmental Audit Committee will hold its second and final evidence session exploring heat resilience and sustainable cooling.

Across two panels, MPs will be considering heat resilience strategies in the UK, and how they compare with approaches rolled out globally.

Meeting details

At 2:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Heat resilience and sustainable cooling
At 3:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Heat resilience and sustainable cooling

The EAC has previously found that carbon emissions from human activities has doubled the likelihood of severe heat events. As part of this inquiry, the Committee is exploring: the relationship between heat and health amid concerning statistics of excess mortality in extreme heat periods; whether the UK Government is taking adequate action on adaptation; and what steps are needed – if any – to enhance resilience to rising temperatures.

Next week’s hearing will build on evidence heard during an earlier session on 18 September.

The first panel, comprising witnesses from local government, will consider UK Government plans and the role of local authorities in delivering adaptation measures and programmes, in relation to public buildings and the wider environment. The second panel comprises witnesses from LSE’s Grantham Institute and from United Nations agencies. Members will have the opportunity to discuss whether the UK can learn from best practice approaches adopted elsewhere, and whether the UK would benefit from a dedicated heat resilience strategy (and, if so, what it should contain).


Room 6, Palace of Westminster

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