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4 December 2023 - Reducing the harm from illegal drugs - Oral evidence

Committee Public Accounts Committee
Inquiry Reducing the harm from illegal drugs

Monday 4 December 2023

Start times: 3:30pm (private) 4:00pm (public)

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Reducing the harm from illegal drugs: PAC quizzes Govt officials

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) holds its second of two evidence session on reducing the harm from illegal drugs at 4pm on Monday 4 December.

Meeting details

At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Reducing the harm from illegal drugs

The session will hear from the Permanent Secretaries of both the Department for Health and Social Care and the Home Office, as well as the Head of the cross-government Joint Combatting Drugs Unit (JCDU).

Likely topics include progress on disrupting drugs supply, reducing long-term demand for drugs, any barriers to accessing treatment and supporting recovery, and certainty of Government funding.

The Committee’s inquiry follows its May 2023 report on alcohol treatment services, and will examine progress to date in implementing the Government’s 10-year plan to reduce the harm caused by illegal drugs, and the work of the JCDU.

The session follows the 30 November PAC hearing with an expert panel of witnesses including Professor Dame Carol Black, whose independent review of drugs recommended the creation of the JCDU – you can watch the session on catch-up here.


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

How to attend