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19 October 2023 - Restoration and Renewal Recall - Oral evidence

Committee Public Accounts Committee
Inquiry Restoration and Renewal Recall

Thursday 19 October 2023

Start times: 9:30am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Progress on Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal explored by PAC

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hears from senior Parliamentary officials at 10am on Thursday 19 October as it explores progress on the Restoration and Renewal of the Palace of Westminster.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Restoration and Renewal Recall

The PAC has previously reported on the failures of transparency and “wasteful, nugatory spending” in the programme, and expressed serious concern about ongoing risks and hazards in the deteriorating UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In May 2023, the Committee warned of the “real and rising risk” that the Palace of Westminster will be destroyed by a catastrophic event before it is restored.

Ahead of a debate on the subject in the House of Commons due to take place in December 2023, the PAC is recalling officials including Tom Goldsmith, who took up the post of Clerk of the House of Commons in October.


Room 16, Palace of Westminster

How to attend