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13 September 2023 - Windsor Framework Implementation: Follow-up - Oral evidence

Committee Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-Committee
Inquiry Windsor Framework Implementation: Follow-up

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:15pm (public)

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Committee seeks views of business representatives on implementation of the Windsor Framework

On Wednesday 13 September, the Sub-Committee will take evidence from a wide range of business representatives about business preparation for the operation of the Windsor Framework, particularly in the context of recently published guidance by the Government.

Watch the evidence session:

Meeting details

At 3:15pm: Oral evidence
Work Windsor Framework Implementation: Follow-up (Non-inquiry session)
At 4:30pm: Oral evidence
Work Windsor Framework Implementation: Follow-up (Non-inquiry session)

Possible questions will include:

  • What is your current overall assessment of the Windsor Framework and the extent to which it resolves the problems that have arisen with the Protocol?
  • What is your view of the guidance published by the Government on 9 June on the movement of goods, including the Green Lane and labelling requirements for certain retail products moving from Great Britain to Northern Ireland?
  • How would you assess the guidance of 9 June on the Government’s new Windsor Framework schemes, the Duty Reimbursement Scheme, the Customs Duty Waiver Scheme and the UK Internal Market Scheme?
  • How would you assess the Government’s 9 June guidance on parcels and subsidy control?
  • What is your assessment of the guidance published by the Government on 28 July on the Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme for moving prepacked retail goods from Great Britain into Northern Ireland?
  • Are there any aspects of the Windsor Framework not covered by the guidance published so far about which businesses urgently require more information?
  • In your view, how well is the implementation of the Windsor Framework going so far? Could anything about its implementation be improved, either by the UK or the EU?
  • In your assessment, are the deadlines for businesses to comply with the various requirements of the Windsor Framework realistic and achievable?
  • What is your assessment of the level of engagement with businesses from the UK Government and the EU since the Windsor Framework was announced in February 2023?

Further information


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend