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13 September 2023 - Service Accommodation - Oral evidence

Committee Defence Sub-Committee
Inquiry Service Accommodation

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 3:30pm (public)

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Family federations for Services gives evidence on accommodation

On Wednesday 13 September, at 3pm, the Defence Sub-Committee on Service Accommodation, chaired by Robert Courts MP, will hold its first evidence session, hearing from representatives from each of the Services’ family federations.

Meeting details

At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Service Accommodation

Satisfaction with the standard of both Service Family Accommodation and Single Living Accommodation has decreased to its lowest levels in recent years. The session will consider the current issues with Service accommodation that Service personnel and their families are facing. It will also examine the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) plans to improve services as well as modernise and invest in Service accommodation. It will discuss the Future Accommodation offer and ask what it should include.

Other topics covered in the session may include the Haythornthwaite Review of Armed Forces Incentivisation and the Help to Buy Scheme, as well as the MOD’s approach to instances of relationship breakdown and domestic abuse with regard to housing.


Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend