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19 July 2023 - Mapping the path to net zero - Oral evidence

Committee Environmental Audit Committee
Inquiry Mapping the path to net zero

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Start times: 1:00pm (private) 1:15pm (public)

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Environmental Audit Committee hears from Climate Change Committee and Energy Security and Net Zero Minister on Government progress adapting to climate change and reducing emissions

Climate Change Committee (CCC) Chief Executive, Chris Stark, and Chair of the CCC’s Adaptation Sub-Committee, Baroness Brown, will appear before the Environmental Audit Committee to discuss issues including its recent Progress Reports to Parliament on adapting to climate change and reducing emissions.

Meeting details

At 1:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Mapping the path to net zero
At 2:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Mapping the path to net zero

Both reports were critical of Government progress. In the  CCC Adaptation Monitoring Framework the CCC warned that there is a “striking lack of climate preparation” and that the Government has neglected to include adaptation across all areas of the economy, undermining its own net zero targets. The CCC’s recent Progress report to Parliament points out that several Government targets are being missed – from transport emissions to hydrogen in home heating – with many of the policy initiatives still lacking detail on how they will be delivered, despite the publication in March 2023 of greater detail on the October 2021 Net Zero Strategy.

EAC will then speak to the Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, Rt Hon Graham Stuart MP, about the CCC’s findings, and give him the opportunity to set out the actions the Government is taking to advance its net zero agenda. This follows the Government’s suite of energy security announcements made at the end of March, including its refresh of the Net Zero Strategy. The Committee will also offer the Minister an opportunity to expand on  the Government’s response to the EAC ‘Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels and securing energy supplies’ report.



Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend