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13 September 2023 - Accessible transport: legal obligations - Oral evidence

Committee Transport Committee
Inquiry Accessible transport: legal obligations

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Start times: 9:00am (private) 9:00am (public)

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Committee explores how proposals to close ticket offices will affect accessibility

The Committee continues its inquiry into Accessible Transport with a session exploring the recent proposals from train operating companies to close almost 1,000 ticket offices across the rail network. There are wide-spread concerns about the impact of these plans on rail accessibility and MPs will investigate how the plans could affect disabled people and travellers with access needs.

Meeting details

At 9:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Accessible transport: legal obligations
At 9:45am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Accessible transport: legal obligations
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Accessible transport: legal obligations

The first panel features Mick Lynch, General Secretary from the RMT Union, and representatives from leading charities. Questions could focus on the practical implications of closures, whether the closures would negatively impact passengers with accessibility needs, and whether the consultation itself was accessible. They may ask about the RMT’s views on the consultation and whether the proposals will lead to staff reduction.

In the second panel, the Committee hears from representatives of Transport Focus and the Office of Rail and Road. The MPs will likely focus on the role of these organisations in the consultation process, how the consultation was designed, and how they will analyse the consultation response. Proposed changes to staffing arrangements and their views on whether the proposals are in the interests of passengers with accessibility needs could also be discussed.

MPs also hear from representatives of the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), LNER, Avanti and Chiltern Railways. The Committee could ask about the rationale behind the closure of ticket offices, the extent of proposed closures, and the role of the RDG in this process. They are also likely to explore whether the rail companies have done work with disabled people’s organisations to understand the impact of the proposals and whether the industry is adequately supporting those with accessibility needs.


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend