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5 July 2023 - Negotiations with the European Union in respect of Gibraltar - Oral evidence

Committee European Scrutiny Committee
Inquiry Negotiations with the European Union in respect of Gibraltar

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Start times: 1:15pm (private) 1:30pm (public)

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Gibraltar Chief Minister to give evidence on future of border

Chief Minister of Gibraltar Fabian Picardo will be questioned by the European Scrutiny Committee on the state of negotiations on post-Brexit border and trade arrangements for The Rock.

Meeting details

At 1:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Negotiations with the European Union in respect of Gibraltar

After the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, both sides agreed a Trade and Cooperation deal that set out how trade and other issues would be conducted. Notably, border arrangements for Gibraltar were left out of the agreement, despite it being heavily reliant on its land border with the continent for the movement of goods and workers. The issue remains under negotiation.


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend