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4 July 2023 - The impact of environmental regulations on development - Oral evidence

Committee Built Environment Committee
Inquiry The impact of environmental regulations on development

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Start times: 10:30am (private) 10:45am (public)

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Environmental regulations inquiry: Office for Environmental Protection to give evidence

On Tuesday 4 July the House of Lords Built Environment Committee hears evidence from the Office for Environmental Protection on its inquiry on the impact of environmental regulations on development.

Meeting details

At 10:45am: Oral evidence
Inquiry The impact of environmental regulations on development

Possible questions

  • How far is the Environment Agency primarily a regulatory body versus a problem-solving body?
  • We heard from Natural England that nutrient neutrality requirements are a result of nutrient pollution being unaddressed for decades. To what extent are housebuilders paying the price for the Environment Agency’s inaction on agriculture?
  • What is the process for the Environment Agency to contribute to policy development at DEFRA and DLUHC?
  • We have received evidence of an overlap between planning and permitting. How are you proactively seeking to minimise overlap between permitting and planning and reduce delays? Possible supplementaries
  • What impact will recent environmental regulatory developments, such as biodiversity net gain and measures to address sewage pollution have on construction and infrastructure development?


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend