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7 June 2023 - Defence Equipment and Support - Oral evidence

Committee Defence Sub-Committee
Inquiry Defence Equipment and Support

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Start times: 8:45am (private) 9:00am (public)

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Lord Peter Levene and industry leaders give evidence on defence procurement

The Sub-Committee hears from Air Chief Marshal (Retd) Sir Stephen Hillier and Lieutenant General (Retd) Sir Mark Poffley. Questions may cover how individual services interact with the procurement processes and the potential impact of procurement on operations.

For the second panel, the Sub-Committee speaks to representatives of industry leaders Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, likely on the issues of procurement delays, how to improve these delays and how to strengthen the relationship between industry and Government.

Lord Peter Levene, author of the Defence Reform report and former Chief of Defence Procurement, will appear for the third panel. This panel is likely to cover topics such as the effect of handling over procurement to Services and sanctions for overspending.

Meeting details

At 9:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Defence Equipment and Support
At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Defence Equipment and Support
At 11:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Defence Equipment and Support


Room 16, Palace of Westminster

How to attend