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16 May 2023 - The effects of artificial light and noise on human health - Oral evidence

Committee Science and Technology Committee (Lords)
Inquiry The effects of artificial light and noise on human health

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Start times: 9:45am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Minister to discuss light and noise pollution policy

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will hold the eighth and final evidence session of its inquiry into the effects of artificial light and noise on human health.

The Committee will hear from the Minister, Rebecca Pow MP, Minister for Environmental Quality and Resilience at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Also attending from DEFRA will be Dr Bill Parish, Deputy Director for Air Quality and Industrial Emissions; Rhian Thomas, Noise and Statutory Nuisance Policy Lead; and Hilary Notley, Noise Evidence Lead.

The session will focus on the Government’s policies regarding light and noise pollution. Members will explore how up-to-date the evidence is on which government policy is based, the role DEFRA plays in coordinating between government departments in the development and application of light and noise pollution policy, how DEFRA works with local authorities on the implementation of noise and light pollution policy, and what work is being done on possible future sources of light and noise pollution.

Meeting details

At 9:45am: Private discussion
Inquiry The effects of artificial light and noise on human health
At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry The effects of artificial light and noise on human health
At 11:15am: Private discussion
Inquiry The effects of artificial light and noise on human health

Possible question areas

  • What steps is DEFRA taking to ensure its policies are based on the latest scientific evidence?
  • How will DEFRA’s planned noise mapping exercise change existing policy?
  • How does DEFRA lead and coordinate policy between the significant number of departments involved in light and noise pollution policy?
  • What analysis has the Government carried out of the trade-offs involved in the various options for mitigating light and noise pollution?

Further information


Room 2, Palace of Westminster

How to attend