Under scrutiny: The purpose and role of Development Finance Institutions, with particular reference to British International Investment
- What is the purpose and role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)?
- How do they slot into the Government’s strategy for international development?
- And how does British International Investment, the UK’s own DFI, compare?
In this evidence session, MPs on the International Development Committee will explore how BII compares with other DFIs on key areas such as due diligence practices, transparency and targeting poverty reduction.
Meeting details
With reduced funds available for the UK’s overseas aid budget, MPs will probe the budget that has been awarded to BII and how work is targeted to deliver maximum development impact. The Committee has recently published its report, Aid spending in the UK, tracking cuts to the Official Development Assistance budget at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office alongside a steep increase of ODA to the Home Office.
The Committee will also probe how BII works with financial intermediaries and examine its use of investments with particular reference to climate financing and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals.