The Welsh Affairs Committee will be hearing from the potential developers of new nuclear at Wylfa and Trawsfynydd as part of its inquiry.
The Committee will be hearing from witnesses across two panels. First, MPs will be hearing from representatives of Bechtel and Westinghouse, the companies proposing to build two AP1000 Pressurised Water Reactors at Wylfa on Anglesey.
Meeting details
MPs will then hear from representatives of Rolls-Royce SMR regarding its proposal to build a Small Modular Reactor (SMR), with Wylfa and Trawsfynydd both marked as potential sites. In December, it announced a final shortlist of three sites, which includes Deeside, to build its first SMR factory with a final decision on the location expected shortly.
Areas of questioning during the meeting could cover the challenges of financing new nuclear and current skills shortages, building on what the Committee has heard during previous sessions held as part of this inquiry.