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24 January 2023 - Lawfare and free speech - Oral evidence

Committee Communications and Digital Committee
Inquiry Lawfare and free speech

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Start times: 2:15pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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The use of lawfare to silence critics–regulator and industry figures give evidence

The Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence on Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs).

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Work Lawfare and free speech (Regular evidence sessions)
At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Work Lawfare and free speech (Regular evidence sessions)


SLAPPs are used to bring or threaten legal proceedings against journalists, academics and others to silence criticism and discourage scrutiny of individuals or organisations that may be in the public interest. The Committee has raised serious concerns around the use of SLAPPs and has previously written to the Lord Chancellor to call for action.

In this session the Committee examines the adequacy of the Government’s legislative proposals; investigates practical measures to support those facing SLAPP cases in the meantime; and hears from the regulator about their work to tackle the problem. 

Possible areas for discussion

Possible areas the session is likely to cover include:

  • How far the Government’s proposals to deal with SLAPPs will be effective.
  • Further non-legislative options to deter SLAPPs and support those facing SLAPP cases (such as expanded legal support, or greater publicity around wrongdoing).
  • The adequacy of the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s response to SLAPPs.
  • Allegations that solicitors are receiving laundered money to fund SLAPP cases and how this should be addressed.

Further information


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend