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20 March 2023 - Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities - follow-up - Oral evidence

Committee Liaison Committee (Lords)
Inquiry Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities - follow-up

Monday 20 March 2023

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:05pm (public)

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The Liaison Committee is holding a one-off evidence session on the recommendations of the former Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities Committee. One of the responsibilities of the Liaison Committee is to ensure that there is effective follow-up for the House’s former special inquiry committees, and this session is part of that.

The Liaison Committee will be joined at the one-off evidence session by former members of the Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities Committee: Lord Bassam of Brighton (former Chair), Lord McNally, Baroness Valentine and Baroness Wyld.

Meeting details

At 3:05pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities - follow-up
At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities - follow-up

Possible questions include:

  • Will the devolution changes proposed by the Levelling Up White Paper enable local authorities to better support seaside towns and communities?
  • What are the key educational challenges faced by seaside towns and communities?
  • Have greater opportunities been created for young people by facilitating flexible and virtual learning?
  • Is the provision of technical skills based training seen as providing positive and effective steps towards skills-based education?
  • Have the various funding pots available to achieve levelling-up been successful in reaching the seaside towns and communities that need them the most?

The Liaison Committee will publish a follow-up report with a Government response to the report to follow.


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend