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17 January 2023 - UK aid for refugee host countries - Oral evidence

Committee International Development Committee
Inquiry UK aid for refugee host countries

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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Lebanon at risk of state failure while supporting the highest number of refugees worldwide per capita

Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita worldwide, according to the UN Refugee Agency.

MPs on the International Development Committee are exploring the most effective way to ensure the long-term needs of refugees are met while supporting host communities.

The Lebanese Government estimates that 1.5 million Syrian refugees and 13,715 refugees of other nationalities have made their way to the country. The numbers reflect recent conflict in Syria as well as second and third generation refugees descended from Palestinians displaced in the 1948-9 Arab-Israeli War and the 1967 Six-Day War. The total population of Lebanon is around 5.5 million people.

However, the country faces its worst socioeconomic crisis in decades. The World Bank estimates GDP has contracted by 58.1%. Unemployment has more than doubled since 2019. Living standards, food security, healthcare and education are all in difficulty. The Port of Beirut explosion in 2020 continues to impact across the country’s infrastructure.


Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry UK aid for refugee host countries
At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry UK aid for refugee host countries

In written evidence to the Committee’s inquiry, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office sets out that the current interlinked political and economic crises are putting Lebanon at risk of state failure. The primary goal of UK assistance, says the FCDO, is to provide humanitarian assistance to meet basic needs, alleviate suffering and preserve stability.

In this session, MPs are likely to explore:

  • The current humanitarian situation in Lebanon and the challenges it faces in hosting refugees
  • The support on offer from organisations on the ground
  • The support required from the UK Government and international community
  • What an effective strategy for managing large-scale displacement crises might look like.


Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend