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19 January 2023 - Floating Offshore Wind in Wales - Oral evidence

Committee Welsh Affairs Committee
Inquiry Floating Offshore Wind in Wales

Thursday 19 January 2023

Start times: 1:15pm (private) 1:30pm (public)

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Welsh Government Minister gives evidence on floating offshore wind potential in Wales

The Minister for Climate Change at the Welsh Government, Julie James MS, gives evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee as MPs conclude evidence gathering on Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) in Wales. This is the rearranged session that was due to be held on Thursday 8 December.

Meeting details

At 1:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Floating Offshore Wind in Wales

The Celtic Sea has been identified as a major development opportunity for FLOW, and could contribute to the UK Government’s target, as set out in the British Energy Security Strategy, to generate 5GW of FLOW by 2030. The Welsh Government also recognises the potential of floating offshore wind off the Welsh coast and the opportunities for the economy and communities from new investment.

During this evidence session, MPs will be assessing how the Welsh Government is supporting the development of FLOW, including its engagement with the Crown Estate to progress seabed leasing. The evidence session is also likely to explore the Welsh Government’s plans to ensure local supply chains benefit from FLOW, its support for Welsh ports and what is being done to prepare the grid for future gigawatt targets.


Room 15, Palace of Westminster

How to attend