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1 November 2022 - People and skills in UK science, technology, engineering and mathematics - Oral evidence

Committee Science and Technology Committee (Lords)
Inquiry People and skills in UK science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Start times: 10:00am (private) 10:15am (public)

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STEM skills in the UK

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will hold the fifth evidence session of its inquiry into people and skills in UK science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The session will explore the policy details regarding visas, the skills gap and challenges facing those in academic scientific careers. The inquiry so far has heard evidence that the UK visa system is far more costly than that of other countries; that there is a significant STEM skills gap as well as suggestions of how the skills training opportunities in the UK could be improved; and that science PhD students and postdocs experience of precarity is negatively affecting the attractiveness of academic careers in the UK.

The Committee will take evidence from civil servants from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for Education and the Home Office.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Private discussion
Inquiry People and skills in UK science, technology, engineering and mathematics
At 10:15am: Oral evidence
Inquiry People and skills in UK science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Possible question areas

  • How well the Government understands the skills deficit
  • The Government’s approach to ensuring training and reskilling are available to those who need it
  • The cost of UK visas for scientistsThe development of Plan B in the event the full association with Horizon Europe proves impossible
  • The Government’s approach to addressing the precarity of academic careers
  • The extent of co-ordination between Government departments on the issues relating to skills

Further information


Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

How to attend