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13 October 2022 - Adult Social Care - Oral evidence

Committee Adult Social Care Committee
Inquiry Adult Social Care

Thursday 13 October 2022

Start times: 10:15am (private) 11:15am (public)

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Sir Andrew Dilnot to give evidence to Lords Adult Social Care Committee 

On Thursday, 13 October, the Adult Social Care Committee concludes its public evidence programme, as the Committee wraps up its inquiry into what needs to change to create a fair, resilient, and sustainable care system.

During the evidence session, the Committee will hear from Sir Andrew Dilnot, who has been invited to give a system-wide perspective on the invisibility of social care. Sir Andrew previously chaired the Commission on Funding of Care and Support, which published its findings in 2011 in the ‘Fairer Care Funding’ report.

This evidence session is due to be held remotely and streamed on Parliament TV.

Meeting details

At 10:15am: Private discussion
Inquiry Adult Social Care
At 10:30am: Private discussion
Inquiry Adult Social Care
At 11:15am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Adult Social Care

Themes for discussion

  1. Given the huge pressures on adult social care and on public services generally, what is the most powerful argument we could use for the government to invest now in adult social care, and to commit to a significant change to the lives of older adults and disabled people, as well as unpaid carers?
  2. Can you talk us through the full diagnosis of what you see as the scale and scope of ‘invisibility’ of adult social care and how it affects the system, the services and the individual, and the relationship between them?
  3. What does an appropriate funding settlement for adult social care look like? If you were advising the new prime minister who has spoken about social care getting a greater share of the funding, where would you suggest that money should go to be most effective?
  4. What immediate changes should be made to relieve the workforce crisis in adult social care? What organisation or agency should be initiating these changes?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)