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21 June 2022 - Public transport in towns and cities - Oral evidence

Committee Built Environment Committee
Inquiry Public transport in towns and cities

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Start times: 9:45am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Public transport inquiry hears evidence on regulation

On Tuesday 21 June, the Built Environment Committee hears expert evidence on regulation, as part of its inquiry into public transport in towns and cities.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Public transport in towns and cities

Possible questions

Questions likely to be asked include:

  • Should public sector operators be able to bid for franchises in a regulated bus (or rail) system? What is your view of the Government’s proposed Enhanced Partnerships for bus services?
  • Is there a case for a greater government contribution to capital investment in public transport?
  • Are operating subsidies for public transport optimal? What are the trade offs?
  • Do central and local government undertake a sufficiently robust cost/benefit analysis when allocating funding for new public transport schemes? Is the system of ‘bidding’ for funding satisfactory?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of offering concessionary/free travel to different groups i.e. young people or the elderly?


Virtual meeting (webcast)