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14 June 2022 - UK energy supply and investment - Oral evidence

Committee Economic Affairs Committee
Inquiry UK energy supply and investment

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:00pm (public)

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Lords energy inquiry: Treasury minister John Glen MP to give evidence 

On Tuesday 14 June, the Economic Affairs Committee holds its final evidence session on UK energy supply and investment.

At 3pm, evidence will be taken from John Glen MP, Economic Secretary, HM Treasury.

Questions the committee is likely to cover in this session:

  • How will the UK bridge the investment gap of around £50 billion a year by 2030, as estimated by the Climate Change Committee in order to meet net zero targets?
  • The transition to net zero may not be orderly or predictable, how should ‘stranded assets’ be defined and banks’ exposure measured?
  • Why does the Energy Profits Levy not include tax relief for investment in renewable energy but only oil and gas?
  • Has the Government done enough through its recent policy announcements to provide a sustainable solution to high energy prices if they continue for several years?
  • Has the financial sector been too slow to offer green consumer financing for example eco loans and green mortgages?


Meeting details

At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry UK energy supply and investment

More on this inquiry 

The committee’s work can be followed on its website and via Twitter

The committee’s UK energy supply and investment inquiry is finding out if the Government’s energy strategy is delivering investment in an energy supply that is resilient, affordable and in line with achieving net zero emissions. The focus of this inquiry is on long-term energy policy and trends in the energy market. 

These evidence sessions will be streamed live on Parliament TV


Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

How to attend