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17 May 2022 - Short-term lettings - Oral evidence

Committee Built Environment Committee
Inquiry Short-term lettings

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Start times: 9:45am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Lords Committee hears evidence on short-term lettings

On Tuesday 17 May, the Built Environment Committee hears evidence on the impact of short-term lettings on the housing market.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Short-term lettings

Possible questions

Questions likely to be asked include:

  • What is your assessment of the positive and negative impacts of short-term lets for consumers, local communities and housing markets? Is there a case for further regulation of the sector?
  • Do you see the growth in commercial lets on your sites as an issue? If so, how should this be addressed?
  • What might be done to address the lack of data on short-term lets?
  • How do you envisage a system of registration working? What are the limitations to such a system?
  • What other options are available for the regulation of short-term lettings, for example limiting the number of nights the property can be rented for (such as the 90-day rule in London), stricter rules on changes of use, or increased taxation? What can we learn from international best practice?

Further information


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend