Lords Committee hears evidence on short-term lettings
On Tuesday 17 May, the Built Environment Committee hears evidence on the impact of short-term lettings on the housing market.
Meeting details
At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Short-term lettings
Possible questions
Questions likely to be asked include:
- What is your assessment of the positive and negative impacts of short-term lets for consumers, local communities and housing markets? Is there a case for further regulation of the sector?
- Do you see the growth in commercial lets on your sites as an issue? If so, how should this be addressed?
- What might be done to address the lack of data on short-term lets?
- How do you envisage a system of registration working? What are the limitations to such a system?
- What other options are available for the regulation of short-term lettings, for example limiting the number of nights the property can be rented for (such as the 90-day rule in London), stricter rules on changes of use, or increased taxation? What can we learn from international best practice?