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Role - International Development Committee

Welcome to the International Development Committee website.

The International Development Committee (IDC) monitors the policy, administration and spending of the Department for International Development (DFID) and its associated public bodies and takes an interest in the policies and procedures of the multilateral agencies and non-government organisations to which DFID contributes.

The Committee consists of eleven backbench Members of Parliament. The Committee's Chair is Sarah Champion MP, Labour Member of Parliament for Rotherham.

The Committee is an investigative Committee rather than a legislative Committee: it sets its own programme and chooses subjects for inquiries. For each inquiry, a press notice is issued listing the terms of reference and inviting interested parties to send written submissions. For most inquiries, the Committee will also hold question and answer "oral evidence" sessions with witnesses. These are held in public, normally in a Committee Room at the Houses of Parliament.

Webcasts of recent oral evidence sessions can be viewed at Parliament TV. If you would like to receive press releases from the Committee please e-mail

Current inquiries, oral and written evidence, as well as Reports and Publications produced by the Committee can be found on these pages.

Members of the International Development Committee also sit on the Committees on Arms Export Controls. Further information on this joint Committee's work can be found here Committees on Arms Export Controls.

A full account of the International Development Committee's activities is published in the House of Commons Sessional Return.