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Health and Social Care Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 547 (page 25 of 28)
Letter from the Secretary of State on the definition of treatment between different trusts (Q67)
Inquiry Work of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Letter from the Secretary of State on autism diagnosis (Q72-73)
Inquiry Work of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Letter from the Secretary of State on current primary care dental contract (Q77)
Inquiry Work of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Correspondence with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, regarding the introduction of the new contract for Accountable Care Organisations
Correspondence between the Chair and Public Health England and the Chair and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs concerning EU sugar production quotas
Correspondence from Will Smart, (NHS England) and Professor Tim Kendall, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England and NHS Improvement, to the Chair of the Committee regarding Patient information sharing
Inquiry Work of NHS England and NHS Improvement inquiry
Letter from Steve Brine MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Primary Care, to the Chair of the Committee, regarding response to the Committee's report on Primary Care
Inquiry Primary care inquiry
Letter on CEMIPP report (meningitis B) from the Chairs of the Health and Petitions Committees to the Department of Health, and the reply
Letter from Rt Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health, to the Chair of the Committee regarding Visa restrictions for non-EU Doctors, 19 October 2017
Correspondence from Baroness Harding of Winscombe to the Chair of the Committee regarding NHS Improvement, 24 October 2017
Inquiry Pre-Appointment hearing for Chair of National Health Service Improvement
Correspondence with the Minister for Public Health and Primary Care, Steve Brine, on the Committee’s report on "Childhood obesity: follow-up" published in the last Parliament
Inquiry Childhood obesity: follow-up
Correspondence with Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England, on travel vaccines dated 8 August 2017
Correspondence with Jim Mackey, Chief Executive of NHS Improvement
Correspondence with the Secretary of State relating to pilots of checking for eligibility for NHS treatment
Correspondence with the Chief Coroner relating to coroner pathology services
Correspondence regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NHS Digital, the Home Office and the Department of Health on data sharing
Health Education England Chief Executive to the Chair, health and social care workforce issues, 19-01-2017
Correspondence between Chair and Jeremy Hunt, Brexit negotiations and health, 12-16 & 01-17
Inquiry Brexit and health and social care inquiry
Letter from the Prime Minister regarding NHS funding, 11 January 2017
Letter to Prime Minister regarding health and social care, 6 January 2017
Total results 547 (page 25 of 28)