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City of London (Markets) Bill

Commons Select Committee

The Select Committee on the City of London (Markets) Bill was set up to oversee the Bill’s petitioning period. The Committee provides individuals and bodies directly and specially affected by the Bill with the opportunity to object to the Bill’s specific provisions and to seek its amendment, or to petition against its alteration. The Committee will hear from petitioners against the Bill, and the Bill’s promoters, before reporting the Bill, and any amendments, to the House.

Petition Template

Guidance for Petitions

Reports, special reports and government responses

No reports or special reports published.

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Other publications

No other publications published.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 3250
  • Address: Private Bill Office, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA