Reports, special reports and government responses
Oral evidence transcripts
No oral evidence transcripts published
Written evidence
No written evidence published.
Other publications
Agendas and papers
Before each meeting, domestic committees may publish the list of matters to be discussed and supporting documents.
1 published
Formal Minutes
Formal minutes produced for committee meetings.
1 published
Scrutiny evidence
Evidence received in the course of conducting legislative scrutiny.
8 published
Attendance statistics
Statistics for the attendance at committee meetings.
1 published
Engagement documents
Documents relating to committee engagement activities, such as forums, surveys or ‘roundtable’ events with experts and stakeholders that the committee has chosen to make public.
4 published
Contact us
- Email:
- Phone: 020 7219 3864
- Address: Private Bill Office, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA