Holocaust Memorial Bill Committee hearings taking place this week
23 January 2024
The Holocaust Memorial Bill Select Committee will hear from the following petitioners this week.
- Read Buxton Family and Thomas Fowell Buxton Society petition
- Watch ParliamentTV: Petitioning against the Holocaust Memorial Bill (Tuesday 23rd January, 14:15)
- Read London Historic Parks & Gardens Trust petition
- Watch ParliamentTV: Petitioning against the Holocaust Memorial Bill (Wednesday 24th January, 9:45)
- Read Baroness Deech petition
- Watch ParliamentTV: Petitioning against the Holocaust Memorial Bill (Wednesday 24th January, 14:15)
- Public Hearings: Full programme
- All petitions submitted against the Bill
- Holocaust Memorial Bill Select Committee
Tuesday 23 January
14:15 – The Buxton Family and Thomas Fowell Buxton Society (Mr Richard Buxton) represented by Mr Doctor KC. Witnesses expected to be called:
- Dr John Fannon, Treasurer and Trustee to the Thomas Fowell Buxton Society
Wednesday 24 January
9:45 – London Historic Parks and Gardens Trust, represented by Mr Doctor KC. Witnesses expected to be called:
- Sally Prothero, Director of Sally Prothero Landscape Architecture
- Hal Moggridge OBE, Landscape Architect and past President of the Landscape Institute
- David Lambert, Director of the Parks Agency
14:15 - Baroness Deech, represented by Mr Doctor KC. Witnesses expected to be called:
- Joanna Millan BEM JP, survivor of Theresienstadt
- Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, survivor of the Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz
- Dr Martin Stern MBE, survivor of Westerbork and Theresienstadt
- Dr Lydia Tischler, survivor of Auschwitz and Theresienstadt
- Sir Richard Evans FRSL FBA
- Trudy Gold, Jewish historian
The Committee provides individuals and bodies directly and specially affected by the Bill with the opportunity to petition against the Bill’s specific provisions and to seek its amendment.
The Committee will hear from petitioners to the Bill in public hearings. The full programme can be accessed here.
All petitions submitted against the Bill can be read on the Committee’s website.
Further information
Image credit: Elspeth Keep / UK Parliament