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Speaker’s Conference report outlines the principles for its work and publishes call for evidence

31 October 2022

The Speaker’s Conference Report sets out five principles on which future work will be based and includes a call for evidence inviting Members, Members staff and others to share their views with the Conference.

The conference plans to publish a further report in the new year setting out a range of options which are worthy of consideration, before conducting extensive consultation with Members and their staff and presenting a final report to the House later in 2023.

The deadline for written submissions to the call for evidence is Friday 9 December.

Mr Speaker, commenting on the publication of the report, said:

“I am delighted that the Conference has set out a clear path to producing some effective recommendations for change and I am grateful to all of those who have so far submitted their views.

“I look forward to working with colleagues across the House and their staff as we develop proposals to improve conditions for MPs’ staff, who support us so tirelessly in our Parliamentary duties.”

Further information

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