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Scrutiny evidence

High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill Select Committee (Commons)

Total results 72 (page 1 of 4)
2023-09-19 HS2-057 Free Hale and Hale Barns HGVs - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Right to be heard hearings (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-09-19 HS2-057 Free Hale and Hale Barns HGVs - Promoter Exhibits
Work Right to be heard hearings (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-09-18 HS2-022 Hale Barns Action Group - Promoter Exhibits
Work Right to be heard hearings (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-09-18 HS2-022 Hale Barns Action Group - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Right to be heard hearings (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-09-12 HS2-071 Martin Finney and Jude Finney - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-07-10 HS2-085 National Farmers' Union - Petitioner Exhibits (Part 2)
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-07-10 HS2-085 National Farmers' Union - Promoter Exhibits (Part 2)
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-07-04 HS2-002 Patricia Mather and John Keleher - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-27 HS2-005 David Germain - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-27 HS2-005 David Germain - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-27 HS2-015 Sherborne Court Neurological Centre Limited - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-27 HS2-119 Harbour Healthcare - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-022 Hoo Green Residents Group - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-022 Hoo Green Residents Group - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-026 Christopher and Elizabeth Hough - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-026 Christopher and Elizabeth Hough - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-028 Gabriella Manning and Jon O'Reilly - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-028 Gabriella Manning and Jon O'Reilly - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-061 Pickmere Parish Council - Petitioner Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
2023-06-26 HS2-061 Pickmere Parish Council - Promoter Exhibits
Work Petitioning against the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
HC 1136
Scrutiny evidence
Total results 72 (page 1 of 4)