Role of the Committee
The Administration Estimate Audit and Risk Assurance Committee supports the Clerk of the House by advising him in relation to his responsibilities as Accounting Officer.
The Committee's objective is to give assurance to the Accounting Officer on:
- The effectiveness of the system of governance, risk management and internal control (referred to collectively as the "system of internal control")
- The integrity of the Annual Accounts
- The work of the internal audit service
- The external audit by the external auditor
- Other matters as may be referred to it by either the Accounting Officer or the Commission
The Committee receives and considers reports from Internal Audit and other sources and produces a report to be published with the House of Commons Annual Report and Accounts.
The Administration Estimate Audit and Risk Assurance Committee has the same membership as the Members Estimate Audit Committee and both have general oversight over different aspects of Internal Audit. Together they are known as the Estimate Audit Committees.