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Liam Byrne outlines next steps for arms exports to Israel scrutiny

24 April 2024

Today, the Business and Trade Committee held an evidence session on arms exports to Israel in the context of the Israel-Gaza war. Following the session, Committee Chair Liam Byrne said:

“Today’s session was held to hear the evidence on military, legal and political questions from the widest possible range of views to ensure we can report to the House the full spectrum of opinion and argument. I am however deeply disappointed that the ministers chose not to make themselves available despite twenty days’ notice to account for the judgements they have made. 

I am glad therefore that the Committee agreed this morning to schedule further hearings to give ministers a second chance to explain themselves and this will allow us to take important evidence from civil society representatives on the record.”

Our sister Committees are holding their own inquiries relating to the humanitarian situation and Gaza, and the Middle East, that we hope will continue to inform this line of work.”

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