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Session cancelled - MPs probe UK foreign aid in education sector

10 June 2022

This session has been cancelled and will be re-schduled.

The effectiveness of UK foreign aid in the education sector will be examined at an evidence session of the International Development Committee’s Sub Committee on the work of an independent aid watchdog at 10.15 am on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 in Committee Room 16 of the House of Commons.

Purpose of the Session

The Sub Committee scrutinises the work of the government’s Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) on behalf of Parliament. In April, ICAI published a review of UK foreign aid in the education sphere since 2015. This included an assessment of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the portfolio and looked at the impact of cuts to the UK’s global aid budget.


At 10.15am

  • Tarek Rouchdy, an ICAI Commissioner
  • Korina Cox, an ICAI Team Leader

Further information

Image: Pixabay