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EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee

Lords Select Committee

This sub-committee ceased to exist on 23 April 2020, when The European Union Committee adopted a new structure to reflect the United Kingdom's changed relationship with the European Union.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
48th Report - Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy
Inquiry Brexit: future UK-EU cooperation on asylum and international protection
HL 428
Response to this report
Government Response: Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy report
Government Response
48th Report - Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy
Inquiries Brexit: future UK-EU cooperation on asylum and international protection inquiry, and Brexit: future UK-EU cooperation on asylum and international protection inquiry
HL Paper 428
28th Report - Brexit: the Erasmus and Horizon programmes
Inquiries Brexit: EU student exchanges and funding for university research, and Brexit: EU student exchanges and funding for university research
HL Paper 283
Response to this report
Government response - Brexit: the Erasmus and Horizon programmes
Government Response
Letter from Lord Jay of Ewelme to Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP on ECRIS and SIS, 28 February 2020
Letter from Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP to Lord Jay of Ewelme on ECRIS and SIS, 13 February 2020
Letter from Lord Jay of Ewelme to Rt Hon Priti Patel MP on local authorities and refugee resettlement, 18 February 2020
Work Local authorities and refugee resettlement (Non-inquiry session)
30 October 2019 10.40am - Local authorities and refugee resettlement - oral evidence
Older evidence
27 February 2019 11.30am - Security arrangements in the event of no deal - oral evidence
Older evidence
31 October 2018 10.45am - Access to medicines in the event of 'no deal' - oral evidence
Older evidence

Contact us

  • Phone: 020 7219 4911 (committee staff) | 020 7219 8535 (Press Officer)
  • Address: EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW