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Committee hears evidence on the impact of Brexit on refugees

19 June 2019

The EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence from Refugee Rights Europe and Migration Policy Institute Europe.


The Sub-Committee has launched an inquiry into future UK-EU asylum cooperation. This inquiry will look at the UK's current relationship with the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and consider what type of agreement the UK should seek with the EU on asylum cooperation after Brexit. In this session, the witnesses will provide a European perspective on the shape of any potential post-Brexit UK-EU agreement. In particular, the Committee will examine future UK border cooperation with France and Belgium, attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees in Europe, asylum cooperation in a ‘no deal' scenario, and family reunification for unaccompanied refugee children.


Wednesday 19 June 2019, Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

At 11.15am:

  • Alice Lucas, Advocacy and Policy Manager, Refugee Rights Europe
  • Dr Hanne Beirens, Acting Director, Migration Policy Institute Europe

Possible Questions

Topics likely to be covered in the session include:

  • How do the EU institutions and Member States view the UK's current asylum and refugee policies?
  • What trends can be observed in individual Member States on attitudes to migration that could impact any future UK-EU cooperation on asylum?
  • What is your assessment of the impact Brexit will have on UK-France and UK-Belgium border cooperation with regard to asylum seekers and irregular migrants?
  • What should the UK consider when negotiating new bilateral agreements with third countries on the return of irregularly staying migrants?
  • Do you know what, if any, preparations the EU has made for asylum cooperation in the event of a 'no deal' Brexit?

Further information

Image: PA