Lords Committee continues inquiry into EU fish discard legislation
22 May 2019
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee takes evidence from the bodies responsible for enforcing fisheries legislation in England and Scotland.
- Report: Fisheries: implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation (HTML)
- Report: Fisheries: implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation (PDF) (pdf 618KB) (pdf, 618KB)
- Parliament TV: Implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation
- Implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation inquiry
- EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee
Wednesday 22 May in Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster, 10.30am
- Phil Haslam, Marine Management Organisation
New EU rules came into force on 1 January 2019, which oblige fishers to land all fish they catch (rather than discarding fish they do not want overboard). The Committee have previously heard that enforcing this landing obligation, or ‘discard ban', will be difficult unless vessels are required to install cameras and other remote electronic monitoring devices.
Areas of discussion
The Committee will ask the enforcement agencies what steps they are taking to ensure compliance with the landing obligation and what challenges they face. They are also likely to ask whether the agencies believe the new rules are being fully complied with, and whether they have sufficient resources to detect non-compliance.
Further information
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