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The Parliamentary Art Collection

29 September 2021

Parliament has been collecting works of art for over 150 years.

The origin of the Collection was in the 1840s when large wall paintings and marble statues were added to the newly built Palace of Westminster. It currently has over 10,000 works of art, divided between the House of Commons and the House of Lords. This important and unique national collection documents the history of Parliament, our work, people and buildings. It ranges from Medieval statues to contemporary art, reflecting key moments in our history. Many forms of art are represented including paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints, textiles, digital art and more.

It is a collection of national and international significance, which the Committee and the staff in the Heritage Collections team develop, care for and interpret to ensure it remains relevant to the changing face of Parliament. Care is also taken to illustrate the people and events which have made a difference to the political life of the UK and ensure a variety of styles and approaches from UK-based artists are represented.

Explore the collection at the Heritage Collections website.

Image: The Palace of Westminster, Oil painting by Michael Heseltine © Parliamentary Art Collection WOA 3711