Committee on Standards to take oral evidence from Daniel Greenberg, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
11 December 2023
The Committee on Standards will question the Commissioner for Standards on Tuesday 12 December at 10:15.
- Watch ParliamentTV: Work of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
- The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Annual Report 2022–23 (pdf, 908KB)
- Committee on Standards
The Commissioner is responsible for monitoring the operation of the House of Commons Code of Conduct and Registers (including investigating alleged breaches). Daniel Greenberg CB is the seventh Commissioner for Standards.
The session will be held in public, and will see the Committee’s members question the Commissioner on a range of matters relating to his work, and in particular, his Annual Report (pdf, 908KB).
The oral evidence session will take place in The Wilson Room, Portcullis House, and will be broadcast live on Parliament TV on Tuesday 12 December from 10:15am.
Tuesday 12 December 2023, Wilson room, Palace of Westminster
From 10:15am
- Daniel Greenberg CB, Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards at Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
Further information
Image: PA