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Privileges Committee call for evidence in inquiry into Boris Johnson

30 June 2022

The Committee of Privileges today issues a call for evidence relating to the matter referred to it by the House on 21 April 2022.

Call for evidence

Following its first meeting to consider the matter referred to it, the Committee is calling for evidence submissions and accounts from those with knowledge of events related to the inquiry. Specifically, the Committee is seeking witness information and evidence which would enable it to determine whether or not the Rt Hon Member for Uxbridge and South Ruislip misled the House. The Committee noted this may include evidence of:

  • Mr Johnson’s knowledge of the activities in 10 Downing Street and the Cabinet Office under Covid regulations, from the occurrence of those events until now;
  • any briefing given to, or inquiries made by, Mr Johnson relating to those events.

The Committee will take a range of evidence in the course of the inquiry, including written and oral evidence. The Committee also confirmed it would be willing to take oral or written evidence from people who wish to remain anonymous, subject to the Chair being able to identify the individual’s identity in conjunction with Committee staff, as well as the relevance and probity of their evidence.

In its first meeting to consider the new inquiry and technical arrangements, the Committee also unanimously elected ‘Mother of the House’ Harriet Harman MP as Chair.

The Committee also announced its intention to appoint the Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder, former Lord Justice of Appeal and Senior President of Tribunals, as an adviser. The appointment of the distinguished former Appeal Court judge comes following his extensive review of the fairness and natural justice within the House of Commons standards system, which was commissioned by the Standards Committee and published in February. Sir Ernest will now advise the Privileges Committee in its inquiry into Boris Johnson.

In addition to seeking written evidence, the Committee will be focusing on and finalising its procedures and processes in the coming weeks, with oral evidence sessions expected to begin in the autumn.

Now the Committee has announced the call for evidence, those who wish to submit evidence will have until 29th July to do so. Evidence can be submitted via the Committee website. The Committee will make further announcements relating to the inquiry in due course.

Further information

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