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Public Bodies Orders Considered

25 February 2020

Below is a chronological list of Public Bodies Orders that the Committee has finished considering, along with the relevant papers this session

Public Bodies (Abolition of Public Works Loan Commissioners) Order 2019

Date laid: 14 October 2019

40 day scrutiny period expires 20 January 2020

Public Bodies (Abolition of the Advisory Committees on Pesticides) Order 2015

Date laid: 15 December 2014

40 day scrutiny period expired 11 February 2015


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee) Order 2015

Date laid: 2 December 2014

40 day scrutiny period expired 29 January 2015


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Library Advisory Council for England) Order 2014

Date laid: 4 November 2014

60 day scrutiny period expired 26 January 2015


Draft Public Bodies (Marine Management Organisation) (Fees) Order 2014

Date laid: 13 May

40 day scrutiny period expired 4 July 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Food from Britain) Order 2014

Date laid: 6 May

40 day scrutiny period expired 27 June 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Committee on Agricultural Valuation) Order 2014

Laid: 6 February 2014

40 day scrutiny period expired 28 March 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Merger of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Director of Revenue and Customs Prosecutions) Order 2014

Laid: 16 December 2013

40 day scrutiny period expired 12 February 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the National Consumer Council and Transfer of the Office of Fair Trading's Functions in relation to Estate Agents etc) Order 2014

Laid: 5 December 2013

40 day scrutiny period expired 1 February 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Modification of Functions of OFCOM) Order 2013

Laid: 18 July 2013     

60 day scrutiny period expired 9 December 2013.

Order Withdrawn: 24 February 2014


Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of BRB (Residuary) Limited) Order 2013

Laid: 15 May 2013

40 day scrutiny period expired 5 July 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Registrar of Public Lending Right) Order 2013

Laid: 9 May 2013

40 day scrutiny period expired 29 June 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Victims' Advisory Panel) Order 2013

Laid: 25 April 2013

40 day scrutiny period expired 27 June 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (Merger of the Gambling Commission and the National Lottery Commission) Order 2013

Laid: 25 March 2013

60 day scrutiny period expired 11 July 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council) Order 2013


Laid: 18 December 2012

60 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 16 March 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (The Office of Fair Trading Transfer of Consumer Advice Scheme and Modification of Enforcement Functions) Order 2013

Laid: 12 December 2012

60 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 10 March 2013.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board) Order 2013

Laid: 15 October 2012

60 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 18 December 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Railway Heritage Committee) Order 2013

Laid: 29 October 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 12 December 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Arbitration Tribunal) Order 2013

Laid: 1 November 2012

40 days scrutiny period confirmed and expired 15 December 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order 2013

Laid: 1 November 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 15 December 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Water Supply and Water Quality Fees) Order 2012

Laid: 23 October 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 5 December 2012. 

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Regional and Local Fisheries Advisory Committees) Order 2012

Laid: 21 May 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired on 16 July 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Environmental Protection Advisory Committee) Order 2012 

Laid: 21 May 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired on 16 July 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the Commission for Rural Communities) Order 2012

Laid: 16 May 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired on 11 July 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Crown Court Rule Committee and Magistrates' Courts Rule Committee) Order 2012

Laid: 17 May 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired on 12 July 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Courts Administration and the Public Guardian Board) Order 2012

Laid: 10 May 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired on 5 July 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission: Abolition and Transfer of Functions) Order 2012  

Laid: 23 April 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 25 June 2012.

Draft Inland Waterways Advisory Council (Abolition) Order 2012 

Draft British Waterways Board (Transfer of Functions) Order 2012 

Laid: 29 February 2012

60 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 17 June 2012.

The Committee met to consider these two Orders on March 27th and decided to initiate the enhanced 60 day procedure.  The Committee took oral evidence relating to these Orders on April 24th from:

  • Mr Richard Benyon MP MRICS (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs);
  • Robin Evans BSc FRICS, Chief Executive of British Waterways and Chief Executive Designate of Canal and River Trust;
  • Nigel Johnson BSc (Econ), Legal Director and Corporate Services Director of British Waterways and Company Secretary to Canal and River Trust
  • John Kittmer, Deputy Director, Inland Waterways

The revised oral evidence transcript is available on the evidence bar to the right.

Draft Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances (Abolition) Order 2012

Laid: 27 February 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 9 May 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of Courts Boards) Order 2012

Laid: 31st January 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 27th March 2012.

Draft Public Bodies (Abolition of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) Order 2012

Laid: 19th January 2012

40 day scrutiny period confirmed and expired 15th March 2012.