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Defence Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 308 (page 15 of 16)
Response, 30 August 2014, Secretary of State for Defence concerning sale of MoD radio spectrum
Letter, 31 July 2014, to Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State for Defence, and response, 2 September 2014 regarding Remote Control: Remotely Piloted Air Systems—current and future UK use.
Letter, 22 July 2014, to Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State, MoD and response, 30 August 2014, regarding the sale of MoD radio Spectrum
Letter, 15 July 2014, to Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State, MoD and response, 26 September 2014 regarding the Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 4: Education of Service Personnel.
Letter, 15 July 2014, to Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State, MoD and response, 26 September 2014 regarding the Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 3: Educating the Children of Service Personnel
Letter, 1 July 2014, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, MoD, and response, 11 July 2014
Letter, 2 April 2014, to Secretary of State for Defence concerning private security companies
Response, 12 May 2014, from Secretary of State concerning private security companies
Letter, 2 April 2014, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, MoD, and response, 10 April 2014 regarding refuelling of HMS Vanguard.
Letter, 19 March 2014, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP , Secretary of State, MoD,and response, 31 March 2014 regarding refuelling of HMS Vanguard.
Letter, 17 December 2013, to Dr Andrew Murrison MP, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, and Government's response, 13 March 2014 regarding the Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 2: Accommodation.
Letter, 9 July 2013, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State and response to Chair, 17 September 2013, Letter, 29 April 2013, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence, and response, 8 May 2013, from Philip Dunne MP, Min
Letter, 11 September 2013, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, MoD, and response, 23 September 2013 regarding 206 Old Brompton Road.
Letter, 10 July 2013, from Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence
Letter, 26 June 2013, to the Rt Hon Mark Francois MP, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, and response, 31 August 2013 regarding the Work of the Service Complaints Commissioner for the Armed Forces
Letter, 6 June 2013, to the Rt Hon Mark Francois MP, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, and response, 24 June 2013 regarding the Work of the Service Complaints Commissioner for the Armed Forces
Letter, 24 April 2013, to Rt Hon Mark Francois MP, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, and Government's response, 24 June 2014 regarding the Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 2: Accommodation.
Letter, 23 April 2013, to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence, and response, 20 May 2013, from Rt Hon Mark Francois MP, Minister of State for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans regarding abuse in the Armed Forces
Letter, 25 March 2013, to Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence and response, 26 April 2013 regarding defence and cyber security
Letter, 24 February 2013, from Lesley Griffiths AC / AM, Minister for Health and Social Services, Welsh Government
Total results 308 (page 15 of 16)