Contractors' representative bodies give evidence about off-payroll reform
21 February 2020
The Finance Bill Sub-Committee holds an evidence session on off-payroll working rules reform.
Monday 24 February 2020, Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
At 3.15pm
- Abigail Agopian, Principal Tax Adviser, Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
- Lorence Noy, Senior Policy Adviser, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
- Andrew Chamberlain, Tax Policy, Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE)
- Julia Kermode, Chief Executive, Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA)
Questions will include:
- How ready are businesses for the implementation of the proposed off-payroll working rules from April 2020?
- Is the HMRC's estimate that £14.4 million will be the additional cost to business of administering the new rules correct?
- What effect will the new rules have on the labour market and the wider economy?
- How will the new rules affect contractors who currently operate through personal service companies (PSCs)
- Could the Government's policy objectives have been achieved in a better or simpler way?
At 4.00 pm
- Matthew Abrahams, Supply Chain Director, Oil and Gas UK
- John McVay OBE, Chief Executive, Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)
- Dr Iain Campbell, Independent Health Professionals' Association (IHPA)
Questions will include:
- How effective has the implementation and operation of the off-payroll rules in the public sector been?
- Have any public sector engagers appeared reluctant to employ personal service companies following implementation of the rules?
- How have the off-payroll rules affected different parts of the public sector?
- The Committee has heard evidence that the introduction of the off-payroll rules in the public sector led to contractors leaving for the private sector. What will happen when the rules are extended to the private sector?